Matrimonial sites are inevitable in today’s digital world. With many people finding their love on the internet, matrimonial sites are soaring more than ever with many profiles worldwide. You can be one end of the world and will end up finding your life partner from the other end of the globe. However, with the good aspects of matrimonial sites, there is also one bad aspect i.e. falling prey to fraudulent matrimonial profiles.
As the wise say, a picture can speak a thousand words. In such cases, the profile picture of a person can give away a lot of signs. The first and obvious sign is when a prospect does not have a profile picture. It’s better to stay away from such an account. If the person uploads any fake profile picture or uploads a picture with face hidden, avoid such profiles. The next is to check if the prospect’s age matches the picture shown. If not, you have the right to ask why. Also, bear in mind that heavily edited pictures are a strict no-no. Analyse always and ask questions when you are in doubt. Do not shy away from getting answers to your doubts.
When one is creating a matrimonial profile, they are required to fill out the basic details. If you find inconsistency in such details or find something amiss, avoid such prospective profiles.
Research has it that people with fake matrimonial profile tend to edit their information every now and then. If the person keeps changing these basic details often such as residence, job, date of birth, etc. often, avoid such prospects. Chances are they might be trying to hide some misleading information they have put up. A genuine person rarely does that. A person might do 1-2 errors but how can a person change his occupation, caste, date of birth, religion, etc. Make sure you keep these pointers in mind.
There have been a lot of incidents in the past where people have been conned by someone they met online via a matrimonial site. If a person you met on a matrimonial site asks you money, run for your life. Don’t be emotional and give away money. Avoid talks with such person and report to the customer care of the matrimonial site.
People with bad motives will be in a hurry to leave the online platform ASAP. At such instances, they might put pressure on you to do things or meet them at their convenience. If a person you meet is too dominating (regardless they are a boy/girl prospect) or does not give you enough space or time, avoid such personalities.
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With the rise of online matrimony platforms, finding a life partner has become easier and more accessible. However, many user ...